我集團寧波惠貞高級中學(xué)項目榮獲2024 紐約設計獎 NEW YORK DESIGN AWARDS 銀獎
近日,2024 紐約設計獎 New York Design Awards 公布獲獎名單。浙江工業(yè)大學(xué)工程設計集團靠近設計事務(wù)所馬迪作品寧波惠貞高級中學(xué)在全球多項參賽作品中脫穎而出,憑借前沿設計創(chuàng )新力斬獲建筑設計類(lèi)Institutional Architecture銀獎。
項目名稱(chēng) | 寧波惠貞高級中學(xué)
建設地點(diǎn) | 浙江省寧波市
用地面積 | 62220㎡
建筑面積 | 49756㎡
設計時(shí)間 | 2019年6月
紐約設計獎(NY DESIGN AWARDS)是一個(gè)享有盛譽(yù)的平臺,旨在表彰建筑、室內設計、城市規劃和概念設計領(lǐng)域的杰出成就,是全球創(chuàng )新、風(fēng)格和影響力的集中體現。表彰世界上偉大的建筑設計,同時(shí)表彰過(guò)去、現在和未來(lái)塑造天際線(xiàn)、社區和生活空間的真正非凡的設計;表彰塑造空間的智慧和創(chuàng )造力,突破形式、功能和可持續性的界限,創(chuàng )造出令人驚嘆和欽佩的建筑。
在這里,參賽者可以通過(guò)一個(gè)全球平臺,將創(chuàng )新、創(chuàng )意和遠見(jiàn)轉化為更宏大的輝煌和成就,向傳統理念發(fā)起挑戰。該獎項向全球建筑師和每一位設計師/學(xué)生發(fā)出邀請,重新定義室內設計、城市規劃和概念設計的成功標準,在全球卓越設計平臺中表彰資深專(zhuān)業(yè)人士和新興人才。
The NY Architectural Design Awards recognizes the world’s greatest architectural designs, while celebrating the truly extraordinary designs that shape skylines, communities and living spaces from the past, present, and future. This is where you put up a challenge for conventional ideas, through a global platform that transforms your innovation, creativity, and vision into a grander scheme of brilliance and achievements.
The award extends its invitation to global architects, and every designer / student who are inspired to diversify the keystones of success in interior design, urban design and planning, as well as conceptual designs, honoring established or emerging individuals on a global design community of excellence.Join the NY Architectural Design Awards and be acknowledged for diversity and creativity that shapes the innovative blueprints of the world. Here, the vibrancy of your designs shall bring together the ultimate haven of ideas and inspirations.